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Your search for English language UK Draft Statutory Instruments from 2008 has returned more than 200 results.

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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The Contracting Out (Highway Functions) Order 2008
Replaced by new draft ISBN 978-0-11-147304-7
2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (Agreements concluded under Article XXI GATS) Order 2008
Superseded by 2009 No. 220
2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Bradford & Bingley plc Compensation Scheme Order 2008
Superseded by 2008 No. 3249
2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Heritable Bank plc (Determination of Compensation) Order 2008
Superseded by 2008 No. 3251
2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander Limited (Determination of Compensation) Order 2008
Superseded by 2008 No. 3250
2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 (Disclosure of Pupil Information) (England) Regulations 2009
Superseded by 2009 No. 277
2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Welsh Ministers (Transfer of Functions) (No. 2) Order 2008
Replaced by new draft ISBN 978-0-11-148461-6
2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Child Benefit (Rates) (Amendment) Regulations 2008
Superseded by 2008 No. 3246
2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Unit Trusts (Electronic Communications) Order 2008
Replaced by new draft ISBN 978-0-11-147175-3
2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Open-Ended Investment Companies (Amendment) Regulations 2008
Replaced by new draft ISBN 978-0-11-147144-9
2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Christmas Bonus (Specified Sum) Order 2008
Superseded by 2008 No. 3255
2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Registrar of Companies and Applications for Striking Off Regulations 2008
Replaced by new draft ISBN 978-0-11-147952-0
2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Child Benefit (Rates) (Amendment) Regulations 2008
Replaced by new draft ISBN 978-0-11-147073-2
2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Gambling Act 2005 (Gaming Machines in Bingo Premises) Order 2008
Superseded by 2009 No. 324
2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Gambling Act 2005 (Variation of Monetary Limit) Order 2008
Superseded by 2009 No. 207
2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Companies (Disclosure of Address) Regulations 2008
Superseded by 2009 No. 214
2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Local Government (Structural Changes) (Areas and Membership of Public Bodies in Bedfordshire and Cheshire) Order 2008
Superseded by 2009 No. 119
2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (2006 International Tropical Timber Agreement) Order 2008
Superseded by 2008 No. 3116
2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Family Provision (Intestate Succession) Order 2008
Superseded by 2009 No. 135
2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 (Prescribed Criteria and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2008
Superseded by 2009 No. 37
2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments

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